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NFT Lesson I Wish I knew Earlier

John Mbakara


I joined NFT after so much hype and coupled with the fact that the world is going completely crypto so why not? I watched many youtube videos and finally decided to take my first step. I minted my first on auction on Opensea and after so much promotion, I could not sell. Here are the lessons I wish I learned earlier

  1. Instagram is the WORST place to promote: Instagram is the worst place to promote or sell your NFT. The platform makes it difficult to be discoverable, unlike Twitter. When I posted my NFT on Instagram and paid for a promotion, I had over 60 DMs all bots offering to help me sell my quickly. I paid one account Blooming_NFT only to realize their 4.2million followers are all fake. They’re bought an account and the engagement is less.
  2. Be in a community: I learned this lesson the hard way. To sell your NFT, you need to be in a community. You need people with like minds who can promote and push your NFT. A community will help you create a project and blow it up, especially if you are not a digital artist. Perhaps you joined to make money and got nothing to post, you should be in a community. Without a community, you will be spamming everywhere with your NFT. Your community is your support group. They will promote, advise and sometimes buy from you. created a new community for those who would like to join https://discord.gg/t6SuQ5CK
  3. Connect with people: Your money in NFT is tied to the people you got as friends. With Twitter, it’s easy to connect with people. Just follow and send a DM. I started by telling the person “Hey, I'm new to this and I'm looking to connect with people”. When they reply, the next text is “Thank you. How long have you been trading NFT?, What advice would you give to an absolute beginner like me?” You CAN NOT make it all alone. Connect with people and please when you blow up, reply to people.




John Mbakara

Freelance Writer, Graphic Designer.